An essential element of the Asatru faith, and specifically forn sidr (ancient customs of our ancestors), is the connection of our bodies and souls to their ancestral Hamingja. This hamingja is a guardian spirit and part of one’s soul which is attached to a person through their familial line and connects each individual to their ancestors and provides luck in health, life and happiness. As asatruar, this connection is personal and it is our belief that everyone within our faith should develop the strongest connections to their Hamingja as possible. The development of this connection will lead to a healthier and happier life now and in the life hereafter. It is our belief that one should avoid things which hinder or block that connection to their hamingja. The connection one individual has to their hamingja may be different than another’s connection as this is a personal relationship between that individual and their hamingja. However, if one feels that something physical, spiritual, medical or temporal blocks or hinders this connection then it is our (PNWWP) official position as a religious organization that person should avoid at all costs that thing which inhibits their spiritual connection to their ancestral spirit and soul.

Furthermore, a sacred principle of our faith is the honoring of ones oath. If an individual has sworn an oath we are duty bound by spiritual laws to require that individual to keep their oath. So, if one for example feels that taking a substance inhibits their connection to their hamingja, and swears an oath to avoid that substance it is a mandatory religious and spiritual obligation for that practioner to keep said oath. Failure to do so can have severe spiritual and physical consequences for any individual that breaks an oath which they have sworn as told to us in our ancient customs and the spiritual laws of our ancestors.

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