I grew up without a faith in my household. My grandparents never professed any religious leanings at all, nor pushed it on us. When the yearnings of spirituality did start calling, I naturally chose Christianity as the path to study and follow. That was probably around 19. Soon after, I became familiar with the British-Israelite take on the Biblical scriptures, so logically I embraced it because I was a…(tribally)… aware teen. Writers that are commonly referenced, these were the early works that I studied, and people like Wesley Swift, et al.

Even as a youth I was highly read…(with a)… logical…(Mind)…, so I couldn’t run from the fact that the evidence of the claims from modern archaeological, ethnological, genetic and linguistic research just didn’t support the theories, not with anything definitive that a historian or archaeologist would apply to evidence in general. Literally some of the correlations made between place names, linguistics and historical circumstance are laughable through the lens of true science and history.

After about two years into it I simply had to discard it in favor of higher reasoning. That, and someone along the way had introduced me to the great sagas and Poetic Eddas of the Norsemen, the grand mythologies and spiritual worldview of our own…(germanic)… people. I haven’t wavered from that for over 25 years, and I’ve learned this: people are quick to digest information that affirms their own belief system, but rarely will they attempt to absorb or understand material that goes against it. When truly, this is how you achieve a real synthesis.

I absolutely love, respect and adore all of the tribal history of our people, whether it be the Scots, the Norse, the Franks, the Germans, ad infinitum. The danger that has befallen us is that somehow within the last several hundred years we have become convinced (and programmed) that Christianity is somehow our birthright or something that sprang organically from the soul of our…(people). Nothing could be further from the truth, and essentially, any religion which will serve the purpose of maintaining a people’s health and historical longevity, must spring from the soul of said people.

As a worldview, the religion of Christianity was an alien transplant onto Europe, which would have made no headway were it not for force of arms and subversion. If we can accept that in our modern era we have been told a slew of historical lies and distortions when it comes to recent events, what makes you think that foregone events in the past are not the same scenario? We were lied to about our natural religions. They were snuffed out of existence by Judeo-Rome, (while) the wily…(Foreigner)… laughs at us while we relish in something of his creation that he…connived…(our folk)… with.

Acceptance of Christianity by Europeans included acceptance of the belief that before Christ the Nation of Israel, a non-European people, were the exclusive chosen people of God. This required an act of extreme self-negation by our…(own folk)…, for such an acceptance amounted to a severe…insult to say the people of Greece and Rome, who previously had viewed the nation of Israel as insignificant. This is historical fact. The result of this anti-self development has been to warp the historical consciousness of our Folk, causing them, in a form of psychological and spiritual servitude to non-European….(religions, forgetting their own traditional faiths)…, to center their view of the past around, and to trace their cultural origins from, the alien land of the Old Testament, thus neglecting to identify properly with the history of their own ancestors…


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