3: Awakening The Ravens-Community Building With Mark Puryear

James and Anthony sit down with Mark Puryear, the director of The Norroena Society, and have a great discussion about community building, ritual, lore and much more. Mark announces the release of Æfinrúnar Book 2 and discusses the importance of this work for heathens moving forward into the future. Join us for a deep dive into authentic Germanic theology for the modern heathen.

2: Individuals Make Communities – Taking Right Action

How do we begin building a community? James and Anthony discuss the role the individual plays in a community and how an individual can begin their journey in heathenry by taking accountability for their lives, making changes where it is necessary to improve their lives and the lives of those in a community around them. Join us for a deep dive into authentic Germanic theology for the modern heathen.

1: The Fathers Of Asatru, Cults Of Personality And Heretics

Season 3 Episode 1 jumps straight into controversy as James and Anthony discuss the fathers and mothers of Asatru and the dissemination of false information that surround cults of personality that are forming in the modern age that seek spiritual and religious authority over the folk which subvert the ancestral and traditional practice of our faith. Join us for a deep dive into authentic Germanic theology for the modern pagan.


11: Exploring The Yule Tradition In The Modern Age

James and Anthony discuss the yule tradition in this holiday inspired episode. What is the germanic yule tradition? How do we practice this holiday in our homes and how do we create a significant tradition that we can pass on to our children that has real meaning behind it? We discuss the solstice, the wild hunt, christmas trees and and the broader importance of the yule tradition itself. Listen now and take a deep dive into authentic germanic theology from the perspective of two modern heathens.

Music: Carol Of The Bells (Celtic Version) by Alexander Nakarada

10: Dogma And The Future Of Pagan Children-Moving Forward

James and Anthony follow up from episode 9 concerning the effects western philosophy has had on our natural family structures and how it has degraded our individual and societal morals. We speak about a path forward, and how our children are the hope of our future and what we can do as Germanic pagans to rebuild our own personal faith in our traditions and make our folk strong and united in belief as a greater tribe. Join us for a deep dive into authentic Germanic theology for the modern pagan.

9: Deconstructing The Gods- The Christian Conversion Part 2

James and Anthony have a follow up conversation about the christian conversion of the germanic folk. We explore the origins of the philosophical ideas that were used to deconstruct the germanic gods and to convince our ancestors to abandon their native faith only to become adherents of a foreign religion. This is part 2 of a series wherein we examine the modus operandis of the church and how the theological concepts of our belief system were subverted over time. Join us for a deep dive into authentic Germanic theology for the modern pagan.


James and Anthony have a must listen too discussion on how fate works in our lives giving practical examples of wyrd and urlag and how we can maneuver through our lives seizing the fate we are destined for. We discuss Hausta Blot and how Blot in general effects our lives. This is one episode you won’t want to miss! Join us for a deep dive into authentic Germanic theology for the modern pagan.

7: Loki’s Influence In The Modern Age-A Follow Up Conversation

James and Anthony discuss a hot topic, jumping into the theological significance of Loki and his influence. Where does his influence come from? Does calling upon Loki have any effect or benefit for those doing so? And how do we recognize his influence and navigate through it in modern times? Join us for a deep dive into authentic Germanic theology for the modern pagan.

6: Germanic History-The Christian Conversion Of The Folk

James and Anthony discuss one of the most important topics for the Germanic folk today-the Christian conversion of our ancestors. We go into the details of the relatively unknown history, the machinations by which this conversion happened and why it is important to know this history and to tell this story and understand the context of why and how our ancestors were converted to a foreign faith. Join us for a deep dive into authentic Germanic theology for the modern pagan.

5: The Anglo Saxon Tradition And Our Pan-Germanic Faith

James and Anthony sit down with Folcweard Largyfa to discuss the Anglo Saxon tradition within the context of a broader pan-Germanic faith. We tackle everything from reconstruction, gods, belief differences, elves, calendar systems and much more. Join us as we speak with author, researcher and devoted heathen Folcweard Largyfa as we take a deep dive into Germanic theology and the Anglo Saxon tradition.